Captured On Earth Photography
Photographs by Wes Hardaker

Put The World On Your Wall

Wes          WS6Z

A few good links are often more useful than a bunch of links.

A bunch of links can be highly useful afterward.

WS6Z's Ham Technician Licensing Class Presentations

A while back I decided that most ham radio presentation sets available for download were structured based on the test structure itself. Although this is a perfectly valid and logical way to structure classroom presentations, there are some issues with doing this:

  1. The test isn't structured necessarily in the best order to learn the information
  2. Much of the information gets repeated, making the class longer
  3. Many classroom materials contain cut-n-paste wording from the test questions. though they're understandable, the test questions themselves aren't exactly the best wording to use when providing classroom instruction
  4. Teaching the test questions promotes memorization over understanding. And understanding of a concept will always carry you a lot farther than memorization.

So, I've created some presentations that are designed to be used for teaching. I'm making them available here in hopes that they'll be helpful to others as well. They're downloadable below in both Open Office and PDF formats.


Status of the current slides: 95% finished!

The Slides

Slide Set  
Introduction Open Office PDF
Operating a HAM Radio Open Office PDF
Rules and Regulations Open Office PDF
Electronic Fundamentals Open Office PDF
Electromagnetic Wave Theory Open Office PDF

Thanks to K3DIO!

A big things to K3DIO from The Plano Amateur Radio Klub for making his slides available; about half of the diagrams in these slides came from his.

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Last modified: Sun Feb 7 11:26:09 PST 2010